Sunday 4 September 2011


For Christmas I got a sewing machine. I had wanted one for ages, but shamefully until now all I have produced from it are three cushion covers. 

This weekend I decided to get my bum into gear and actually start to make something much more original and complicated. Ever since I threw away my beloved AFI Hoodie from my teenage years, I wished I kept bits of old sentimental clothes to make a patchwork quilt out of, and this is the project I have started this weekend. This is what I have achieved so far. 

I used some scarves that I bought with the intention of wearing like this (minus the rollers and wrinkles).

The result of my weekend, is, as you can see very patchy. I'm still as I was in Primary School. Wanting to get something finished before its barely started, hence the wobbly cutting out and inaccurate measuring. In my defence, I think it looks quite nice, all wibbly wobbly. Like a polka dot aerial view of fields. 

I have lots more fabric to (carefully) cut and I'll then assemble them into more large squares and this will form the top of my quilt. Yay. 

Once this project is completed, the boyfriend wants me to make a binary duvet cover. I'll explain that when it gets its own post :P

Saturday 3 September 2011

Urrrr, why are you blogging?

Hello, I'm Mel and I'm probably the least creative person you will ever meet. Most of my free time is currently spent on the sofa, watching the telly, drinking tea, napping or cleaning my two up-two down like a mad woman. This blog is to give my some motivation to do more with my free time, be it documenting my new baking ventures, experimenting with cooking the boyfriend's tea, sewing something or even just my thoughts on a good book or film (ok, I know that's not very creative, but I really like films).

Feel free to comment and suggest new things to try out. Ta-ra.